Womens Health

Well-Woman Health check:


Our practice nurse will see you first and carry out all required investigations and record any specific concerns you may have. Lifestyle advice will also be offered.

An appointment will be made to see one of the doctors a week later to go over your results and offer advice according to these results and also deal with particular personal concerns.


Family planning services:


Mirena coil and Implanon insertion require a longer consultation. Please inform the receptionist if you are booking these services so the appropriate consultation time may be allocated.


Cervical screening:

It is recommended that (with prior normal smear results) a woman should have a repeat smear test every 3 years if under 45 yrs and every 5 yrs if over 45 yrs. If you feel you are due a routine smear please make an appointment with our practice nurse.

A Smear test is most accurate if  done midcycle.

We recommend that if you have unusual bleeding that you discuss this with your doctor or practice nurse as you may require a smear outside these recommended intervals.

Unless urgent it generally takes up to 12 weeks for results to come back. We will notify you by letter detailing your result ,any management if indicated and the date of your next smear.

If you forget that you are due a smear test don't worry as at Owenabue Medical Centre we have a recall system which ensures that you will be notified to make an appointment if you are overdue.